Alex Hedderick

Meet Alex Hedderick, serving the role of Access, Trail Maintenance, and Infrastructure Director. Alex is a student at Frostburg State University, majoring in Fisheries Biologies. Alex's climbing journey kicked off back in 2020, when a friend lured them into the university gym. Fast forward, and Alex has become an instructor and setter at the FSU Climbing Gym.

Alex is known for his passion towards bouldering, both climbing and setting. Alex is on a mission with the Climbing Coalition—boost access, revamp trails, and create a Western Maryland climbers' haven. He is all about bringing people together, organizing trail maintenance days, and spreading the climbing love.

A goal of his is to improve the trail systems for the local region, for both climbers and all outdoor recreation enthusiast. His knowledge/passion of trail maintenance and ecological issues will help this area become a climbing spot where people travel to for trips. Along with this, he is on a mission to create more routes in the area and help new climbers get exposed to what is available in the area.

When not climbing, Alex can be seen fossil hunting, fishing, photographing, or mountain biking.